Monday, December 30, 2013

New beginnings

I'm done with not being the person that I want to be. I make excuses for myself, I lie to myself. I turn to food to solve all of the angst that lives inside of me and it is making me so incredibly weary that I have no choice but to say that I can't live like this anymore. Fuck this disposition that I potray, this mask that I wear, consisting of sweet smiles and a cheery attitude. Unfortunately, no one looks into my eyes and is able to see the true emotion beneath the enigmatic mask that I put on - pain.

2014 - A new beginning. A new year to become a person that I never thought I could be. Free from bondage. I don't want to reside within these heavy walls of eating disorders, pain, and lies. I need to be free from this bondage pulling me beneath the surface. I just want to breathe again.

I can't wait til I can taste the fresh air of freedom outside of my own dark world.